

 ext2/ext3/ext4 — why do people do it?

October 5, 2012

I edited a file on my Raspberry Pi.

I then rebooted it.

It then couldn’t mount the root filesystem, which is ext4.

WHY do people still do it ? The EXT file system is stupid, unreliable, and a dark deep pit of fsck-needing-to-run-whenever-the-thing-was-modified.

So, here I am fsck-ing a frigging SD card on my main Linux box which is happily running XFS.

If you hate file-system corruption just stop using EXT(x) please.


 don’t go – simfy

September 1, 2012

An old classic re-incarnated by  Terminal Choice.

Also, go listen to Totes Fleisch. Loudly. It was around before Eisenfunk.




August 31, 2012

So, I tried Symfi Africa.

Please, don’t offer me some shit with restrictions. Especially if you’re going to want me to pay for it. Don’t allow me to find the song, add it to my playlist, and then fucking tell me I cannot play it.

I’m still, and will be a happy last.fm subscriber.



Bye Symfi!



 vodafail summary

July 24, 2012

Following RPM’s article on the topic: here is a summary link farm for the visitors.

It started with the rebranding: https://rodent.za.net/vodacom-discovering-old-fail-with-red/

Then, trying to do some things on my account: https://rodent.za.net/i-forgot-what-was-the-point-of-this-website-again/

And again: https://rodent.za.net/the-daily-vodacom-red-fail/

And again: https://rodent.za.net/vodacom-wake-the-fsk-up-please/

Worse and worse, over the course of 12 months.



 vod, or music can not has, or caught in the act ?

July 17, 2012

No, not Video on Demand, but the Voice of Destruction’s “Caught in the Act”.

Part of where my love for chip-music mixed with elements of the industrial genre comes from. The song rocks.

Here comes the sad part.


I have the song — the original — on a double compilation album called “Industrial Revolution”

Observe the sad face…




However, I kinda like the Digital Dance Mix that’ is available on a different compilation too! A rare copy of which  you can LISTEN to, for example on Grooveshark, on the “Industrial Madness 3” compilation.

So, I can buy it yes! YAY!

From amazon MP3, or iTunes. I get out the credit card. I’m not allowed to purchase this mp3 in my country. What? -Blink- ? I’m probably the only person that’s been interested in this fucking song in 5 years!

I will make it my life’s mission to find a pirate copy of this particular MP3 and publicly post it here you fuckwit, numbskulled record industry dumbfucks.

On the same awesome Industrial Revolution album however, was Throbbing Gristle, which later became Psychic TV. A fantastic song called “Hot on the heels of love”

Copies of which, Amazon MP3 will happily furnish me with, at $0.83. Unfortunately, I have it already, on said double CD.

Did I mention the dimwit dumbfuck skullduggery of record labels yet ?

So, to summarize I’ll leave you with The Revolting Cocks, which is pretty much how the music industry can be summarized.

Good times.